Starting an online business during covid.Starting an online business during covid.

There’s no two words about it, the world we live in has changed forever. Starting an online business during Covid isn’t going to be as easy, as it was pre-Covid-19.  But it’s not impossible either. I believe the secret to starting, building, growing and taking control of your life.  Is to create a business that does not require face to face interaction, it can function 24/7 – 365 days of the year and is accessible all over the world!

What type of business can do that, I hear you ask?  Well, in reality any online business can deliver this type of performance. It doesn’t matter whether you create a business solely based on selling a particular item or marketing for someone else. Building an online business is the future. Love it or hate it, the future is here!

Starting an online business during Covid.

Covid-19 is a word that everyone around world, regardless of country, ethnicity or age will know. A visible enemy that has silently torn through the economy of every country. Unbiased to colour or age, Covid-19 has impacted on the lives of millions. My heart and condolences goes out to everyone, who has lost a loved one. The truth is in life the 2 things that are certain to take place is death and taxes, but no one expected this virus to create so much devastation!

Thankfully, we are now in a much better place and it’s time to start earning to pay the taxes! Over the last 18 months I have noticed the only business model that survived the pandemic, in fact the businesses that boomed were all online! Amazon’s profit in the first 3 months of this year were through the roof by a whopping 84%, put that in the terms of money and we’re talking $386 billion!!


Starting an online business during covid.


Zoom also made a pre-tax profit of $660 in 2020!! Building a business online, can and will enable you to keep earning, even if we are all required to isolate again.  The evidence of what an online business can deliver as never been clearer.

Starting an online business during Covid.

The facts surrounding an online business.

The Internet is a wonderful place filled with endless options for success, but it is also filled with a minority of people, who are also looking to take full advantage of what the Internet has to offer.  Building any type of business can and will take time, but when you finally start earning, you’ll realise that the journey was worth taking.

There’s approximately 250,000 online businesses started each day and from that figure, 90% will fail. This is a basic fact I’d like to point out. Online or off not every business will succeed. The ones that do succeed are run by entrepreneurs who have devoted time and effort, ensuring they achieve business success.

How has coronavirus affected business?

It’s a fact that we are now in a time when Covid-19 will affect everything we do. There’s no part of our lives that will be untouched by this virus. Starting an online business during Covid might be tricky, but it’s no different for anyone who started a business pre Covid. Customers bring profit and unfortunately, customers was the very first thing that Covid-19 took away from most businesses.

Especially, the ones on the high street.  So, without customers we have no income and definitely no profit!  Could it really get any worse?  Well yes, it can and did, now that businesses are now able to open their doors after what seems like a lifetime.

The supply chain is being disrupted by Covid-19 isolation rules.  We are living in very challenging times and the only way forward is to adapt. Starting an online business during Covid is going to be a challenge.

Developing a post Covid business strategy.

I started this review saying, that the only businesses that really made a profit during the Covid-19 disruption, were online. At this point I’d be thinking that the best way to stay ahead of any other Covid-19 action, is to build an online business. It does seem the obvious solution to the on going Covid problem.

So, where do you start? Your first step is to discover your niche, what is it that makes you smile and drives you to achieve great things.  Can you make it into a business and market it? If your answer is yes, then you’ve just taken your first step to creating your business.

Step 2. Create a business name and purchase a web hosting package.  You’ve now completed step 2 of starting an online business during Covid.  Your third step is to build your website, it’s not difficult and it’ll probably take you 24 hours to do it properly. Your final step which will be on going is to create content, depending on your niche.

Starting an online business during Covid – Your business model.

Starting an online business during Covid is one of the best you can do in this current climate. To improve your chances of success, I would suggest you start with a simple supply and demand approach. By this comment I mean buy products that are in demand, open an eBay account and get to work. I believe this to be the quickest way to get a turn around and a quick profit.

If you’re not about a quick pound or dollar, then I would suggest taking a look at the affiliate marketing business model. In my experience it has been very lucrative but the turn around isn’t a quick one. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of patience and like most businesses, hard work!

Although, this will also depend upon which type of affiliate marketing model you choose. You could choose to market a business services or it’s products. In my opinion, which is reinforced by the present Covid situation.  Your customers are probably more likely to buy a product, instead of a service.


Starting an online business during covid.

My conclusion to starting an online business during Covid.

There’s no time like the present to create something new, no matter how bad things might seem.  If, you decide that starting an online business during Covid is the best way forward, believe me when I say you’ll be amongst the thousands that have witnessed the devastation that Covid-19 had caused.  Changing the way you look at starting your business, is a smart thing to do.

It’s a fact, no one likes change but in today’s world, we all need to learn to adapt. Especially, if, we want to survive.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the read and I look forward to any comments or questions you might have.

Your online business guide.

By Derek.

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