Times are getting harder and the need to generate extra income online is important. Our wages are not matching the rises in inflation, that the whole world is suffering. So, what options do we have? Well, we can stand still, sit on our hands or even bury our heads in the sand. But unfortunately, the world goes on and the never ending stream of bills will continue to drop through our letter boxes or land in our in box. There comes a time when you need to keep moving forward, just to enable us to stand still!
But there really is another way! It doesn’t require blogging or selling in fact it doesn’t need much intervention, yet it will provide a monthly income! Which is what everyone has been looking for, whether they knew it or not!
Extra Income online.
I’ve often said we live in a wonderful world filled with opportunity, our future is truly in our hands. Unfortunately, most of us believe to be wealthy or successful in life takes a lot of hard work. Now, I’m not saying that life is easy and if you sit in your home day after day watching your t.v, you’ll succeed in life.
What I am saying is there are many ways to achieve your goals in life. You could take the long way or the short way, you’ll arrive at the same location but in a shorter time. Earning an extra income online can be done in a variety of ways. And as long as we achieve it in our specific time frame, we’ll achieve success. It’s that simple!

Here’s a few phrases I’ve heard which might complicate you chances for success.
- Money makes money.
- You need to speculate to accumulate.
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- Money is the root of all evil.
These phrases, also known as idioms have the ability to put a damper on our enthusiasm to create. But at the same time are there, to help us to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and to think before we make any mistakes.
Does money make money?
When we come to the conclusion, that we need an extra income. The thoughts that follow often causes confusion. What do I do? Experience tells me, it’s now a matter of who you know, rather than what you know! If, you’re trying to make ends meet by generating extra income online, your funds will probably be low.
Nobody wants to start spending lots of money, that you haven’t got to make more money. But in most cases you will be required to spend something. I do agree with the saying “Nothing in life is free,” but have you thought of making an investment? An investment that is as good as a pension but with real accessible profits each month. So, without investing a fortune you can make money, with some money.
Speculate to accumulate.
This is a very powerful statement, one that isn’t necessarily true! The statement says if you speculate, you will accumulate. But in reality you could spend money on a venture, but receive no return. To accumulate, I would suggest you focus your goals on placing small amounts in tried and tested projects. Projects that have a proven record of success. Now, I understand that not many projects will offer any kind of success. But without this type of guarantee, you are really gambling with your money!
A fool and his money is soon parted!
At the point of writing this review, the whole world is dealing with high interest rates and rising energy bills. The need to hold on to your hard-earned cash is more important than ever. The phrase is relevant to gamblers or people who are reckless with their finances. My aim is, as always is to guide you on ways of boosting your income without gambling or falling prey to scammers. So, rest assured you are in good hands.
Money is the root of all evil.
Does wanting to create extra income online, make us evil? I hope your answer to that question is No! The world we live in revolves around money, money is needed to buy products and services. Without an income we would find ourselves in a bit of difficulty. What I do agree on is that money can create greed, greed can make people act in a very selfish manner. This reminds me of another phrase, this one isn’t about money, but the likeness is the same. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
Money isn’t evil, it’s the person handling it that can make it so! So, don’t think yourself bad for trying to make extra income online or otherwise. It is a part of life.
Extra Income online, compared to offline.
So, creating extra income online can be achieved from buying, selling, promoting, building or educating. A limitless stream of opportunity, of wealth creation exists. You’ll find that you can achieve similar opportunities offline too. Building a high street business, which is full of opportunity also exists. Unfortunately, without Internet exposure, it is limited to how many customers it can reach.

Now, depending on your age, you might not remember when finding a product or service came from a book. If my memory serves me well, it was called Yellow Pages. This was a book of businesses and services and products, which contained their phone numbers and addresses. This information is now accessible from any smart device, which gives every online business an advantage over a high street shop.
My conclusion to making extra Income online.
Our expenditure often out weighs our income, creating or making extra income online as become a necessity for survival. Taking small steps are the best way forward, researching and scrutinising every business idea, will help to keep you safe. But keeping you in a strong position to make a profit online. I have found the simplest of ideas can reap rewards and I hope you have found these pearls of wisdom useful.
I would like to direct you further and therefore I look forward to any comments, questions you might have about this review. Please leave your questions below and I will answer as soon as possible.
Your online business guide.