What to build a business in.What to build a business in.


It’s never been a better time to try something different. So, what could you do? Build a business? But what to build a business in? Why not test your abilities by starting an online business?  How would you go about it?  And what type of business would you create?  What to build a business in?

That’s just a few questions that should be at the top of your list.  Before you decide to take another step, think.  Building a business is no easy task and anyone who says that it is are lying. This review is not just about building an online business.  It’s also about what type of business to build, depending on your skill set.

The good thing about starting a business online, is that you don’t need to have any experience.  You can learn as you go along.  It’s a journey well worth taking and the rewards can be out of this world.  Let’s take a look at what you need to know and do!

What to build a business in?

Before you commit yourself to any business model or training platform, I think you should first of all have an idea of what to build a business in?  It can be in a number of business models but it should be of interest to you.  The reasoning behind these words are simple.  I know that if you’re interested in what you’re building, you’ll give it 100%.  Now, am I right or am I right!  Straight from the get go I have discovered that the top business to start online is either affiliate marketing or drop shipping.

The reason for this could be a number of things, one being their easy and cheap to start.  But there’s many more online business ideas to choose from.


What to build a business in.


Breaking away from the obvious attraction of a business, which is money, a business can be a great way to channel your energy and skills.  In fact it’s also a great place to learn new skills.  I would like to you to fully understand what starting an online business is all about, this will mean giving you a small explanation in places but that’s what I’m here to do.

Let’s start from the beginning, do you have a skill set? If, you have then that’s great but if you haven’t that’s good too! Having a skill can speed up your progress and lead to quicker results.  But sometimes, there’s nothing better than having a blank canvas to work with.

Here are a few questions that you should have answers to:

What to build a business in

Question number 1.

Do you like to buy and sell items? If this gives you a buzz then your business model should be based on buying and selling. The best platform for you should be Ebay or Drop shipping! To put you on the right path you’ll have to make a few choices. To build your business around Ebay you’ll need to buy stock of your choice and advertise it on Ebay or your social media platform, with links pointing back to your Ebay shop.

This isn’t really difficult to do and the instructions are quite easy to follow. Once you’ve posted your items for sale you’ll need to decide if you would like an instant sale or a bidding war?  Again, the set up instructions are quite simple, customers will bid on your item for a set time and the winner is the highest bidder!  An instant sale is exactly that, your item will be brought at the price you have specified.

If you’re leaning towards a drop shipping business then you’re going to need a website. Hey there’s no need to panic, building a website in the 20th century is a drag and drop affair, there’s no need for any coding. You can have a top-notch website built in approximately 30 minutes, ready to host the items you want to sell.

The only process that’s missing in the drop shipping model is, you’ll need to be affiliated to a few companies, who will supply you with their products, that they will drop ship on your behalf.  Once you’ve signed up with and been accepted on their program, you’re good to advertise their products.


What to build a business in.

Question number 2.

Have you ever kept a diary and did you update it regularly? If, you can answer yes to this question, then the best business for you might be a blogger?  Building a business in blogging can be very rewarding, you’ll be referred to as a ghost writer. This is a person who writes content on the behalf of someone else.

To get involved in blogging isn’t difficult but it will require you to advertise yourself on a writing platform or a website.  You’ll be amongst other writers who will specialise in a particular type of content.  So, having an idea of what you would like to write and how many words you’re willing to write on that particular topic, is a good idea.

Your second option might be an affiliate marketer, marketing a variety of companies products or service by writing content.  There’s a few good ways to do this but because I’m talking about writing I’ll keep focused on this skill.  So, you’re going to need a website, where you can place your content, which will contain links to the companies you are trying to promote.


What to build a business in.

What to build a business in, using the gift of conversation.

Your talent might not be in selling or digital design work, it could be talking!  Speaking is our natural form of communication, that we use daily and take for granted.  But it can become a business asset.  We all like to talk, in fact the saying is, ” It’s good to talk”.  So, why not build your business around talking, become a life coach.

It will mean you’ll need to study for a little while but try and see it as a temporary set back.  Always be positive with every decision you take, see the beginning, middle and the end of every business idea.

Positivity is the key required to take big steps forward, to creating a new business.  Be open minded to every and all opportunities. This could be one business idea, you’ve passed by without a passing thought!

What to build a business in, online business models.

The best type of business to start, should be built on a skill you possess, for example if you’re a whizz with a computer why not try to starting a business building apps. To strengthen this approach to a new online business, just think of any business, online or off and you’ll find that they all use apps to improve their user experience. To get involved in building apps you’re going to need access to a computer and software. Building a business in building apps can be very lucrative, but the set up costs can be quite costly.

Do you have the ability to speak other languages, I. E Spanish, German, Punjab or Greek? This could open many business opportunities for you. Having the ability to speak a foreign language, enables you to either translate for individuals or companies. But it doesn’t stop there, depending on your bilingual level you could set up a website, which enables customers to subscribe to your classes and learn a new language.


What to build a business in.


Have you ever had a brick and mortar business? Your answer to this question could be yes, but it failed or it could be yes and its still running. Either way, have you thought about business coaching online? I would like to say that, there’s quite a few significant differences between a brick and mortar business and an online business but at the end of the day, the basic rules of business still applies, which is supply and demand.

What to Build a business in, use your strengths.

So, your knowledge of researching, planning and taking action, to create and build a business online are all useful and relevant. This best way forward would be to build a website and charge a small fee for customers to subscribe to your website or YouTube channel for business advice and instruction.

Sometimes we have the ideal business skill but we just never realise it. What’s the first thing we do when we go on holiday or see something that’s funny? We take a picture and then share it with the world by posting it on our social media platform. As far as business ideas goes, this idea is easy to start and everyone loves a great picture. So, why not take pictures of holiday locations, animals or even nature and upload them to platforms, such as Shuttshock and earn a residual income from commissions.

Emulate a successful business model.

Buying and selling is one of the oldest business models around and It is still one of the best.  If, you’re still unsure what to build a business in then look at what’s all around you.  No matter where you are, you’ll always find a shop and shops thrive on the simple basics of buying and selling. In reality this happens in many businesses, a shop was just the first thought that popped into my head but properties also work on a buying and selling principal.

Buy it low and sell it higher, for a profit. If you’re sold on buying and selling, why not use this basic model but sell domains. Instead of a shoe or a computer.  Every day another half a million websites are created worldwide and they all need a domain name.  For this business to succeed you would need to purchase domain names, in the hope that someone will need it for their business.

This could give you an instant profit, just for having the right name.  A domain price can start from as little as £0.99 upwards!  So, selling it for a few hundred or even thousand pounds, could give you a lovely profit and a business needs a profit to grow.

What to build a business in, don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

You could even start a business based on a successful business you have seen.  The idea behind this strategy is this, we all like to compete, it doesn’t matter in what but we all like to compete and competition helps a business to grow. It’s all around us, for instance the constant marketing battles between McDonald and Burger King, its competition and it has made McDonald thrive, even in difficult times.  There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, just look at what’s already around you!

What to build a business in.

Build it and they will come.

I have always thought building a business was easy, you found something you were interested in and off you go. You would buy a product and then start marketing it, for sale.  It sounds easy so far, doesn’t it! Most entrepreneurs always see the start of a project and they can often visualise the end product, but most miss out on what’s going on in the middle. Let me explain what I mean, the stages of a business is as follows:

Idea – a business – a niche.

One day you come home from work and you’ve had a very non-productive day, your boss as given you a hard time and you feel hard done too.  The solution to the problem is to become your own boss!  The idea is born and you’ve decided that you could do a much better job than your old boss.

Without thought, you are ready to compete with a company that has probably been running for a number of years. But you believe you are worth more than what you’ve been getting.

In no time at all, you’ve taken your idea and turned it into a business, using a niche you’re already acquainted with.

What to build a business in, action, research and planning.

You’ve come up with the perfect business model, yes it was based on an emotion but it still works.  Now it’s time to take action and research your prospective business.  You have discovered what to build a business in, you’ve undergone intense research and you’re almost ready to bring it to life!  All that’s missing is planning.

The word planning, in a business covers a very large area. It covers marketing, financial probabilities and growth.  In posts, I have written previously, I’ve pointed out the importance of planning for your business.  And I can’t stress enough how important a role planning plays, in giving insights and strategical guidance in growing a successful business.  Every move should be backed up by hard data!

Potential for success – growth and money.

Creating a successful business from the ground up is a great achievement and it’s something that will not come without hard work. Once you have passed through all the various stages of creating a business online and taken action at every step, success should be only a matter of time. That being said I would like to remind you of what makes a business truly successful and that is its ability to deliver a service.

A needed service that is not being met anywhere else or is overpriced and sub-standard. You should take the time to understand what your customers are looking for and do everything you can to make sure you for fill their needs. Building a website is only a part of the success story, creating a business takes time and management.

My Conclusion on what to build a business in.

What to build a business in is all about showing how to create a business using ideas around you.  There’s so much you need to take into consideration before you take on the task of building a business.  But I hope I have covered all the main topics you’re going to need to get it right.  Thankfully we live in a world where we can find almost anything we want at the push of a button, unfortunately we still need training.   Sourcing things we need can sometime be a time absorbing affair but it’s time well spent when it all comes together.

I envisage the joy you’ll feel when things start falling into place.  A feeling I have experienced many times through business.  But recently from nurturing a tomato plant, to the point it bared fruit.  It’s an awesome feeling, ironically that’s exactly what your business will do, with a little maintenance and planning.

Every action comes from an idea, an idea prompts action and your actions will lead to creation. I would like your creation to be successful, whatever it maybe and for that reason I have written this post and others like it.

I wish you success in your endeavours. If, you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I will answer them as soon as possible.

Your online business guide.

By Derek.

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