There’s never a guarantee of success in anything we do but we can use statistics to guide our decisions. Especially in business, so, I’m going to explain to you the reasons and benefits, to start a small business online.
There are certain skills and a specific way of thinking if you want to succeed at any business. One of those simple thought processes is the understanding that everything starts small and grows big. Our thought process needs us to be able to visualise what that business can become!
Start a small business online.
I’m going to start by saying I love business. The thought of starting a business fills me with so much excitement. Because I know where a successful business can lead. Now, this goes for any kind of business, online or off!
The world we live in is constantly changing and one of the biggest changes to date has occurred. Because of a virus known to us now as Covid-19. Many businesses have suffered, mine included, except for the ones I have online!
An online business works on a totally different set of rules, would you believe we automatically practice social distancing. I’m very happy to say an online business doesn’t suffer from local lock downs either or any lock down come to think of it. But we do need to be careful of viruses and hackers.
You wouldn’t suffer from staffing issues either because your online business would be managed by you and maybe a partner or family member. So, you can see from the beginning that to start a small business online would be a wise idea.
You must agree the benefits are looking good so far. Now, every business has its drawbacks, an online business shouldn’t be any different. Let’s take a look at what these drawbacks could be.
Building a business online is very different from a bricks and mortar business and one of the main differences is that you can’t physically touch it. But it is very real! There’s a number of online organisations that can offer you help and assistance with your online business but not many are willing to offer you a certified intensive course that will take you through all the different stages of building your business.
I have reviewed many companies and I have found the training and support Wealthy Affiliate provide to be the best. Their training is essential to business growth and your online business development.
Start a small business online – hosting.
In the same way we all need an Internet provider for our TV packages and our web surfing, your online business is going to need a hosting package. Your package will host your business, give you an email address and few more essential tools. This could be a security package, storage, bandwidth, 24/7 support and/or training. My list comprises of what I know Wealthy Affiliate can provide.
Hard work.
Your going to need 6 loyal fingers that are dedicated to achieving results, backed up by a strong mental aptitude. Hard work is the only way forward, there’s no other way than having a like-minded group of online business owners in your corner that will make learning and progress seem so much easier.
Just try to think of it this way, if you wanted to buy a new car or a house would you just go out and make the purchase or would you ask a family member or friend? 100% of people would ask a family member for a recommendation. That’s why the Wealthy Affiliate family network should be given serious thought before you start a small business online.
Start a small business online then grow BIG!
There’s not many things, if any, that does not need to grow. We all need to start small but with the right kind of stimulation and nurturing most things will grow! That’s just one of those rules of nature that we cannot fight against and win. Here’s a quick example of growth and survival, I recently tried to grow some tomatoes, I did all the things I believe are essential to their growth.
So, I watered them daily and I even invested in some plant food. I nurtured them as if they were children and I was a little upset when I came out one morning to find one had broken. It was lying on the ground and no matter how many times I tried to lift it up and support it, it still fell down.
The next day it had already started to correct itself and was pointing up at the sky! I still kept the faith and I applied a training stick to it and the others, hoping it would realign itself, it did. I was quite surprised and at the same time happy that it had recovered. They had grown from little shoots and I could see that they were destined to survive.
This story is similar to how a business should grow, it might have the occasional problem but inevitably it’ll grow to bear fruit (Profit).
What type of businesses are online?
There are many types of businesses online, in fact most businesses that have a brick and mortar structure still need an online presence. They would be crazy not too, the opportunities they would be missing out on would be enormous. Can you think of a company that isn’t online? I bet you can’t! I’m struggling to come up with one, especially any company that’s serious about growth.
So, every business you can think of, has an online presence. This will include car companies like Ford, Audi and BMW. To sport clothing companies like Nike, Adidas and Puma. There’s a multitude of businesses online that have started small and have grown and are now worth millions.
Will being online make my business successful?
The Internet is a 24/7 business highway, that keeps you in touch with millions of prospective customers. So, if you start a small business online, it will not be long before that small business grows. Of course your business will have to adhere to the basic rule of business, which is supply and demand. If you’ve got a product that your customers want, then you’re business is going to go viral. This is a term used when a business takes off and it’s everywhere.
Start a small business online – the conclusion.
Build a online business is all about your business success! Let’s say after reading this review you’ve decide to start a small business online. I will feel assured that I have given you all the information you need to take your business from A – Z. In this review I have made specific comments about Wealthy Affiliate and how they work because I know they do exactly what’s on the tin.
Which is offer you all the tools you will need to start, develop and grow your business. This is important to me because every company I suggest you align yourself with, must be perfect in every way. Their perfection increases your chances of success.
Success breeds success, Wealthy Affiliate do just that and that is all I want for you. If, you have any questions please leave them below. I also welcome any comments you might have.
Your online business guide.
Great article you have here.
Even if your a pro, or newbie just starting out, Training is essential to grow a successful online business. A successful business doesn’t grow overnight, you need to remember to always Work Hard, Have lots of Patience, Learn from Mistakes, and Never Give Up.
Thank you for sharing.
The onset of covid is not the only reason starting a small business online is a great idea. We are getting older and some of us have been toughing it out in manual labor work while nursing injuries need a break or a complete change.
A startup is hard. You need time and motivation. When you work for someone else they have expectations for you. When you work for yourself you have to set the par. It is worth it, but you have to have the right tools and resources. One thing that I found to be very beneficial is an active membership to provide tech support, ideas, advice, and motivation.
With a small investment and a lot of time, you will see gains far beyond your investments.
Wow! Thank you very much, truly words from someone who has witnessed both sides of a business. Your words are to the point and very precise, here’s another post you might enjoy https://build-a-online-busines…
Thank you again for commenting.