Creating my own business online

We live in a world that offers many opportunities.  Unfortunately, we always tend to miss out on the great opportunities.  I found that creating my own business online offered me the changes I was looking for.

This review is going to be focused on how you could create your own business online.  Having a successful business can create many changes in your life.  If, you could create a successful business online, then the possibilities are endless!

Creating my own business online.

Creating your own profitable business is as easy as it sounds.  It does require some thought, preparation, research and planning but it’s not difficult.  Now I do appreciate this is coming from someone who has done it, but believe me it’s not difficult.  I would say the hardest thing I came across was dealing with success.

Honest!  That’s the biggest problem, but the opposite of success and that is failure!   I would like to say this wouldn’t happen to you.  But that would be guaranteeing you success and that comes very close to a get rich scheme.  Which I will have nothing to do with!  Creating my own business online is a journey that can take you to great places.   Some parts of the journey will be testing or should I say demanding. But if you persevere you stand a great chance of arriving at your chosen destination and in great shape!

Building a successful business.

I am here to help you achieve your goal, hopes and dreams.  This will require a little help from my friends at Wealthy Affiliate.  Their expertise is what creating my own online businesses is all about.  Utilising my help and their knowledge, will give your business a greater chance to be successful and that’s exactly what I want for you.

Creating my own business online.

The joy of starting your own business.

We all love presents and enjoy surprises and that’s how you should see your new business.  Creating my own business online is like taking a holiday, visiting a new country.  You should be filled with feelings of excitement and expectation.  Because no one really knows how successful you’ll be until you get to work.  I would like to say you should also adapt the patience of an expecting mother.  She nurtures her unborn child, with the knowledge that after a period of time it will be born.  Until then she takes every day as it comes.

I hope you like my analogy of creating my online business, the comparison is quite uncanny.  I’ve heard many people refer to their business as their baby, so I thought I’d place that thought in your mind. If you think about it, your business will require you to nurture it, to make it grow and ultimately to keep it alive and then grow it.

Creating my own business online.

Starting your online business for free.

Now, there’s many ways to start a business but they are rarely free and many of them often turn out to be scams!  They’re not even about creating my own business online, it’s usually all about taking away your hard-earned cash!  I’m not sure how you feel about that but for me it’s a big NO THANK YOU!

The popularity of an online business is growing:

In 2015 – 83% of businesses had a website, this moved up to 83.7% in 2016 and is still rising.  In 2017 there was a small drop to 81.9% before jumping back up to 83.9% in 2018.  There is roughly 1.3 million online businesses at present and its attraction is, it’s flexibility.  You can work from anywhere, reach more customers and be open all year round.

Taking your first steps to creating your online business couldn’t be easier, although this does depend on what you’d like to sell or market.  These are your options for creating a online business:

  • Become an affiliate marketer.
  • Sell products on eBay.
  • Drop shipping.

How does that make you feel?

Creating my own business online.

Affiliate marketing – Wealthy Affiliate.

This means selling products for a company and receiving a percentage of the sale.  Affiliate marketing can be quite profitable but does require you to either have a website or be very savvy with social media.  If you’ve never tried this before and you would like to test the water.  I’d suggest you head to over Wealthy Affiliate.  They offer the best online training platform around and you can try it for free!

Sell on eBay.

This is a popular option, one I can say I’ve tried but I found it to be hard work!  The biggest problem here is you need to buy the product you want to sell, once you’ve marketed it and hopefully sold it.

Then it’s time to send it to the buyer! So off you go to the post office.  Some people are happy with this kind of business but I see it as one big headache.  You could bypass some of this and become a drop shipper. But that also has its disadvantages!

Drop shipping.

This is one way to side step some problems of selling on eBay. But what you’ve really done here is traded one set of problems for another.  Drop shipping is the term used when you sell a product, that you do not own and it is delivered to the customer on your behalf.  This might sound good but what you can sell is often limited and your customer will vent any problems they have at you!

Creating my own business online for free.

There’s real money to be made no matter which method of creating my own business online you choose. The point I’d like you to take note of, is that it’s your business and more importantly, none of them are scams! They are also not get rich schemes, like anything in life you’ll have to plan and work hard to achieve your dreams.

Unfortunately, out of the choices I have presented you, there’s only Wealthy Affiliate that offers you a free start.  The other 2 will require you to put your hands in your pocket.  Which isn’t a problem but when you compare it a free option, there’s no comparison.

Creating my own business online.

Conclusion to creating my own business online.

The term business means undertaking a transaction that gives one person a product or service they require. And the other person gets paid for their service or help.  This is business, supply and demand!  The process means someone will get rewarded for helping someone else.  I would like to think I have helped someone today with the advice I have given.  If you decide to give Wealthy Affiliate a try great but if you don’t, that’s great too!

The important thing is that you are aware of your choices and therefore won’t be caught out by any scams.  If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I will answer them as soon as possible.

Your online business guide.

By Derek.

One thought on “Creating My Own Business Online”
  1. hey,

    I always wanted to start a business online but i could not find a way to do so until i came across this website which gave me all the required information needed build my dream business.

    i really loved the way they showed pictures in the site that made the understanding much clearer and more extraordinary. i would recommend anyone who wants to start their business to go through this site once.


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