The online business guide.The online business guide.

The world is changing and we need to change with it. Today’s review is about the online business guide and what it can do for you. I’ll be introducing you to the online world of business.

The Internet is filled with great opportunities but also with financial pitfalls! My review will help you find the essential basics you will need to start an online business, grow it, so that it can provide you with a residual income.

The online business guide.

Build it and they will come! Have you heard this statement before and do you understand what it means? My interpretation of this saying, is to be positive! I believe any task or problem undertaken with a positive attitude, will be bring about positive results.

To create a successful online business, you will need a guide. Someone who will help you find every part of the puzzle. The online business guide is what you’ve been looking for and I promise you will not be disappointed!

Understanding business.

We all have our own views and beliefs, so my question to you is what does the word, “Business” mean to you? I’m hoping it means financial security and success! If it doesn’t mean that to you, then I have truly got my work cut out for me! An online business is built on a niche. In order for this guide to be usable by anyone, I’m going to keep it simple and to the point!

I would like you to imagine your niche is like a seed, a seed that needs water and sunlight for it to grow. Are you’re still with me? I would suggest you learn how to build a website, they’re not difficult to do and I believe having a website will offer your business more opportunities.

The online business guide that makes sense.

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Adding a website to your niche is the water I spoke about earlier. We also need an environment where our business can grow, this space is controlled by Google. All we need now is some sunshine and lots of it! This is going to be traffic!

Once you have these vital parts of the puzzle in place, it’s time to nurture your business for growth.

Creating an online business.

Every time you turn on your computer and type a question into your Google search bar, you will be presented with a number of results. Some will be from top organisations such as Wikipedia but you’ll also be confronted with other results. These results are from online businesses. This is where you want your business to be, preferably on the first page and first place would be perfect!

Now let me explain what each part of your puzzles mean:

Niche – The first part of your business puzzle.

There’s millions if not thousands of niches and before you can take full advantage of the online business guide you need to find yours! A niche is a subject or an item that you are interested in, it needs to be your focus point of your online business to have any chance of success.

Your niche could be running shoes or it could be training people online to speak a new language. Do you get the idea? Your niche can be anything you choose and your website should reflect your niche.

Website – The water of life.

You are now on the way to creating an online business, I told you it wasn’t hard. But you do still have a long way to go, although what you have done so far is impressive! Every website that exists on the internet as been created by someone, but their website still needs to be indexed by Google. Being indexed by Google, Bing and Yahoo will make your new business website visible to search engines, which is your gateway to traffic.


Traffic – Sunshine provides growth.

You have a niche and you have a platform to host your niche, which is your website. But this is nothing without traffic. The more traffic your website obtains, the better your chances of making a sale or referral. But without the help of a search engine your online business will always be in the shade.

Google – The search engine.

You’ve almost got a full picture, but you wouldn’t have made it here, without the help of the online business guide. I’m not saying you wouldn’t have made it here on your own, but having a guide will help you achieve quicker results. Every niche can have hundreds of thousands of results, being indexed is essential for exposure.


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How to make your business profitable.

Your now on the home straight, the finishing line is in sight but you just can’t reach it. I can totally understand what you’re saying and you’re not the first and you won’t be the last. The reason for this dilemma is a lack of traffic, so let’s take a look at how we can improve it.

Remember, having lots of traffic increases the chances of making money! In effect this is what we’re looking to achieve. A good business online or off will generate a steady residual income month after month, year after year.

The online business guide shows you how to increase website traffic.

There’s many ways to increase website traffic. I believe they’re all on a par, you need to have a little or a lot of each method to guarantee a steady increase. Rome wasn’t built in a day so be patient, remember the saying, build it and they will come! Here’s how to increase website traffic:

  • Email collecting and marketing.
  • Social media – Facebook etc.
  • Networking – online directories.
  • Adverts – pay per click.
  • The benefits of email marketing.

One of the basic rules of business is supply and demand. This simply means it doesn’t matter what you’ve got to sell or market, if there’s no demand or need for it. You’re never going to achieve a sale! But if you’ve managed to build an email list, that consists of people who are interested in what you are selling, then you’re on to a winner.

So, having an email list gives you an audience ready to purchase from you. The best way to get the ball rolling is to offer something of value to potential customers for free. In return, they will give you their email address.

The best way to manage your list is to use an autoresponder. Most packages will provide templates that will help you with every stage of email marketing.


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Social media – Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Utilise the power of word of mouth. This as always been a great way to build a following and this method works online and offline too. There’s no better recommendation than from a friend or family member, if you can secure this type of marketing through social media your business will thrive.

The online business guide will point you in the right direction but you must take action to achieve results. Social media works, there’s no doubt about it. Make sure it’s a part of your marketing strategy.

Networking – register your website to improve exposure.

This is an old method for achieving higher rankings with search engines. It’s a method I’ve tried and the results were always good. I’ve also heard of some marketers commenting on websites and leaving their website URL. I do believe every little helps. Give it a try and leave me your comment below.

Adverts – pay-per-click.

You can increase your website traffic by paying for adverts, this can be done online through Google or through social media. The results can be the same, although running a pay-per-click campaign online will also improve your rankings. Whilst adverts on social could bring you more sales and not necessarily improve your rankings! All methods should be monitored for best results.

Blogging – free traffic.

Start writing a blog that contains useful information and you could draw an audience. If you do decide to write a blog, are your niche the main topic of discussion and enjoy what you’re writing about.

The online business guide conclusion.

No business can or will be profitable overnight and anyone who says they can help you achieve such a feat is being dishonest. The online business guide is all about helping you avoid scams, by giving you the truth of what creating an online business will take.

I would like you to be successful with your online business. I hope all I have written helps you to achieve just that.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I will answer them as soon as possible.

Your online business guide.

By Derek.

2 thought on “The Online Business Guide”
  1. I love this guide! MMO can seem so overwhelming at times that it’s great to have a reminder of the simple steps that need to be taken on the path to success. There is a formula and it really is a case of going through the steps one by one to build your online business. Thanks for breaking it down so clearly. 

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